Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I am so sorry to report that our beloved Tasha passed away yesterday.  I will report more later.  She will be so missed!!!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fifteen Years

This weekend Bob and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary.

It is hard to believe it has been 15 years! I remember that day like it was yesterday. What a wonderful day. So much has happened since then, but it still remands clearly in my mind.

When we were trying to decide in a wedding date Bob was thinking that Valentine’s Day would be good. He ran this by his Mom and her response was an absolute NO. Think about it, he would get away with only one time a year to buy me flowers.

So as usual I was blessed with two exceptionally beautiful bouquets of flowers this February.

Thank you my dearest husband, I love you.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I have guest post.  My daughter Elizabeth!  I am so proud of her.  Last Friday she finished up a course to be certified as a babysitter.  She is a big help with her nephew!  In her own words:

I learned many things, like how to take care of babies and children if they are injured or choking. For example, if the kids are making noise and having fun and all of sudden it’s quiet there’s something wrong. I learned to check on the baby or child every fifteen minutes when they are sleeping. If not sleeping to always be with them. In the class I had to take a few test after each class but I’m pretty confident that I passed. I’m really glad I took the class because my Dad wouldn’t let me babysit until I was fourteen, and said that if I take this class I can baby sit now.

Good Job Elizabeth!!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Yukon Quest

This last Saturday morning was the start of the Yukon Quest. It is a 1000 mile sled dog race between Fairbanks, Alaska and Whitehorse in the Yukon Territory.

The start of the race switches between the two cities each year.  It is cool to watch these canine athletes.
I overheard some conversation among the spectators. It was noted that sled dog racing is probably the only sport where the start has more fanfare then the finish.  

Let me give you a little overview of the start of the race. The dog teams are rigged up (I am not sure if I am using the correct mushing lingo) on the shore of the Chena river. And lead down onto the frozen river to the starting line.

The excitement builds and the sled dogs are so excited to get on the trail!  Each team leaves at about 3 minutes apart.

This team is on deck, waiting to start. I think the wait for these guys ( the dogs)  must be so hard!  They are true athletes. This is their purpose in life!

At the starting line!

Here they go!

Sled dogs, what can I say.  They are truly one of the many things I love about this place.  My Dad has a "Bucket list".  I may be brave and start one myself.

If you want to know more about the race, click here: http://www.yukonquest.com/

Happy Trails!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Ski Legs.

The girls have been participating in Jr. Nordic Cross Country Skiing for the past 3 or 4 years. They decided not to be in it this year. The other day Jessie decided to get her ski legs back.

she seems to have her ski legs!

Oh,  I just got caught!  I feel like paparazzi!  Sorry Jessie!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Monday, January 25, 2010

True Serenity!

I took this photo on my way home from work tonight. What an awesome sight! We have some pretty beautiful sunsets up her in the North Country. I took this photo over looking our fair town. It is a wonderful silhouette of Mt. McKinley to the south of us. She is approx. about 200 miles to the south I might add. It is amazing how the low sun provides a beautiful silhouette of Denali!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Beautiful Arctic Winter Day

It’s a relatively warm day here in the interior, It is -15 in town but we live up in the hills above Fairbanks and it stays warmer. As I write this it is a warm 1 above here at the house!

I thought what the heck even though it has warmed up I will get the house cozy this afternoon and light a fire in the wood stove.

It has been very beautiful clear sunny day. This is unusual, normally when it is clear and sunny we get very frigid temperatures.

This time of year the sun sits low in the horizon and with the reflection on the snow it produces very beautiful colors.

I love the way it has a pinkish hue.

Happy Saturday and I hope you had a good week.  Hopefully it will stay warm and beautiful here for a few more days!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Loki Questions!

Q. Where did you come up with the name Loki? It is a cool name, and I am sure there is a story behind it.

A: Good Question! He is often referred with the following aliases: The Locinator, Lokester, Loki Doki. Ok, the Loki short version, Loki was adopted by Jennifer a few months after she graduated. She is the one who named him. He soon became our family cat. When she decided to move out after graduation, she was unable to take him right away and he has been with us here ever since.

Speaking of which I haven't been blessed with his presence tonight!

We found him hanging out in the laundry room.

On a few occasions his demise was the "Kitty Shelter"! He was a little scrapper back in his younger days but now has turned into a very respectful family pet.

Love Ya Little Buddy!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Weekends With Jack!

Every Saturday and Sunday night we get the pleasure of having a visit from Jack. Jennifer is doing delivery for Boston’s Restaurant.

Aunties are to the rescue and love to entertain!

I am so blessed to have this opportunity for us to get to spend this time with him.

Hope your week is going well.  Until next time, take care!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Loki The Cat

I never really liked cats, but Loki changed me. I doesn’t hurt that he is a particularly handsome cat.

 I doesn’t hurt that he thinks he is the protector of our home.

I think he is being shy because I am writing about him.

 Of course we are only occupants of his "Manor” According to Loki he will be our protector! Even if it is a cute little stuffed Puffin!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Jessie's New Look

This last Saturday I took the Girls down to the mall and it was Jessie’s turn to get her hair cut. I figured she would just want a trim. So the hair stylist sat her down and I was on my way to walk around the mall a bit. Next thing I know I was in Payless Shoes and Jessie comes running up and says that the beautician wants to talk to me. So I went back. Turns out Jessie wants to get about 4 inches taken off! The beautician wanted to make sure it was ok with me.

Here is her before pictures.

And now the new look!

I like it! Jessie just loves it. One thing about this girl is that she really confident! You Go Girl!!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Jack is my grandson. He was born on August 26th.

Here he is on Halloween.

Here is a picture of his Aunt Elizabeth holding him on Christmas Eve. I love what is says on his shirt!

You will see allot of Jack here. It's going to be fun  to chronicle his growth.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Winter Darkness

In this post I am going to write about the dark winters up here in the interior of Alaska. The shortest day is December 21st, Winter Solstice. Fairbanks actually holds a Winter Solstice Festival. On winter solstice we experience 3 hours and 43 minutes of daylight. The good news is that after Winter Solstice we gain daylight.

I took the following photo of the sunset on December 30th at 3:43 PM.

From the exact same spot I took this photo looking to the North. Wasn't the Blue Moon Awesome?! The pinkish hue on the trees is just beautiful. This picture is OK but it doesn't depict exactly how beautiful it was.

This Next photo is of Bob buying fireworks on New years Eve. By looking at how dark it is it appears we waited until the last minute. This one was taken at 5:30pm!

We are gaining light fast now. This believe it or not tends to be uplifting for us, at least until we get a cold snap of temperatures of -40! I will talk about that in another post.

Until next time, take care.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Whole Fam Damily

Let me introduce my loving and wonderful Family.

The King! My Husband! My Bob!

My beautiful Daughter Jennifer and her husband and our Son and Brother in Law Jared.

This beautiful twelve year old is my daughter Elizabeth.

This is our daughter Jessie or as Grandpa Mick always refers to as "No sweat Jessie". I will explain that in a later post.

So we can't leave out the third family pet. The Cat. His name is Loki.

So their you go. Introducing my immediate loved ones that I share this life with.

Hope you have a wonderful day and appreciate the ones you share your life with each day!!!

The Malamute Sisters

You are probably wondering why I named this blog as I did. Well let me introduce McKinley and Tasha!

This in McKinley.

This is Tasha.

They are 8 years old Alaskan Malamute litter sisters. They are two out of our three family pets. They are just two of the many cast of characters that will be featured in my blog.