Monday, February 8, 2010

Yukon Quest

This last Saturday morning was the start of the Yukon Quest. It is a 1000 mile sled dog race between Fairbanks, Alaska and Whitehorse in the Yukon Territory.

The start of the race switches between the two cities each year.  It is cool to watch these canine athletes.
I overheard some conversation among the spectators. It was noted that sled dog racing is probably the only sport where the start has more fanfare then the finish.  

Let me give you a little overview of the start of the race. The dog teams are rigged up (I am not sure if I am using the correct mushing lingo) on the shore of the Chena river. And lead down onto the frozen river to the starting line.

The excitement builds and the sled dogs are so excited to get on the trail!  Each team leaves at about 3 minutes apart.

This team is on deck, waiting to start. I think the wait for these guys ( the dogs)  must be so hard!  They are true athletes. This is their purpose in life!

At the starting line!

Here they go!

Sled dogs, what can I say.  They are truly one of the many things I love about this place.  My Dad has a "Bucket list".  I may be brave and start one myself.

If you want to know more about the race, click here:

Happy Trails!

1 comment:

Moni said...

I remember you talking about this when you were in Spokane. How cool!